
We bring a systems-focus and strengths-based approach to the work that we do with teams.

Teams are, in essence, behavioural systems, and so our Team System methods and practices can be applied to teams, divisions, departments, and even entire organisations.

We work with you on focused team development and performance activities that take a few days, through to longer and more intensive work programmes. We include any existing workplans or strategies, so that the team development work is tied directly to organisational priorities.

If you want to build your teams’ capability, we recommend using the WOVEN programme which we tailor to your needs. Our book fully explains the programme and a revised and updated version is currently being prepared.

Team Dynamics

Our Team Dynamics service helps your team understand its patterns of interaction, communication, and performance. Some teams can get stuck in “discussing and relitigating” things, while others may have a preference for action and could miss the need to focus on relationships and connection.

We work with the leader and team members, helping them see their system, and use techniques to discuss, collaborate and shift their performance.

We guarantee to shift the performance of any team within 8 weeks. We have worked with teams all across Asia-Pacific, the US and in Europe. Every one of them has shifted their performance and levels of connection.

Over the duration of 8-weeks, we alternate between working with the whole team and with team members on a 1:1 basis. The time commitment needed changes week-by-week, from a couple of hours to full-day workshops.


Woven is an approach that starts with your people and works alongside them. It gently invites them to notice their strengths, speak up and include others in the process.

It has been run with teams from a wide range of organisations, of various sizes and diversity, all of whom have experienced significant shifts in culture, inclusiveness, connectedness and performance.

For any organisation seeking to inject energy, connection, or innovation into its culture, the place to start is with the hearts and minds of its people—not through top-down directives.

For new teams, teams recovering from change, or teams facing change, WOVEN connects you, helps rebuild your team and supports the establishment of “a new normal”.

Woven (2017) is available from Amazon in hardcopy and eBook format.

We are busy finalising an updated version, which will be available (we hope) in June 2024. It will include new content on structural dynamics and psychological safety, as well as the use of the Cynefin framework for teams.
